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On teaching dance I aim to create an enviroment where the curiosity feels welkome to move, where the senses and the feelings can support the movement and the being, and where we can connect with our cultural roots, with our beliefs.


My dance technique approach is a mix between somatic techniques  (The Body Mind Centering method is a big influence)  years training Ballet and Modern dance, and Brazilian Culture. 


Support, question and encourage. Those are some of the guidelines on my teaching.



You can find me in


- Tanzbasis Berlin

- DanzArte Berlin

- Alicia Jasckola 













The method stimulates the mobility of the spine and therefore the whole body. The practice promotes a feeling of renewed energy and vitality and a general sense of well being, conecting movement and breath in a soft flow.


More about the Method in:







You can find me in


- Open training Volkspark Friedrischain Berlin

- Studio Anke Hauerstein Berlin











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